Women's Dating And Confidence Podcast

How To Handle Heartbreak

Amber Grubenmann Episode 24

Today's episode answers the following listener question about how to move on after experiencing heartbreak, and how to protect her heart in future relationships:

"Going through a break up after dating my ex (monogamous serious) for over a year both (25 years old). He talked about the future, looking at places to live together, our future kids and dogs names, called and texted all the time, we barely fought, overall a pretty healthy relationship. He broke things off saying "I care about you but I don't want to be in a relationship with you because I'm not 100% in. I don't want to waste your time and I want you to be happy" leaving me to feel rejected, abandoned and self-confidence shattered. 

So that's that because this is something I could have never seen coming right? Is there anything I could have done to protect myself? Tips for healing when the break up is all on him? Red flags maybe for the next relationship? 

Found you guys on Spotify and love it!"

-Recently Single

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Interested in sharing your dating question on the show? You can schedule a free call if you allow me to record it and possibly share it with the Women's Dating And Confidence Podcast audience. Message me on Instagram if you are interested! @ambergrubenmann

THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for being here and showing up boldly. Please let me know how to improve your listening experience and serve you. Have a great day!